
Showing posts from August, 2021

Beyond the blog 4

Ch.janani Roll no. 29 This is an online e-log platform to review about the cases done by our seniors This is the link regarding the assessment Question 1  : Long case   44 year old stonemason from Miriyalguda, presented with a 3 day history of anasarca, frothy urine and gradually decreasing urine output, on a background of a 10 year history of chronic bilaterally symmetric polyarthritis (evidenced by severe pain, edema and limitation of joint movements). He has been diagnosed to have Acute Glomerulonephritis Localisation of Acute and chronic problem with different provisional diagnosis is done well leading to specify the condition and make the progression of treatment easy. Features leading to diagnose Acute Glomerulonephritis has been mentioned well like 1.Hypertension(secondary in Glomerulonephritis) 2. Serum albumin/total proteins etc.. Question and answers were quite helpful to know t

Beyond the blog 3

  Ch.Janani Roll no. 29 This is an online e-log platform to discuss case scenarios of a patient with their guardian's permission. I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of patient clinical data analysis to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including, history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan   ◇ 61 year old male ,tailor by occupation came to the old with c/0 involuntary movements of bilateral upper and lower limbs (tonic type ) 2 episodes while talking to attender which lasted for 5 mins with uprolling of eye since yesterday night History of present illness :   Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 days back while going to washroom with help of walker.patient had blurring of vision and fall on the floor (since then patient is unable to getup from supine position and walk with support ) No h/0 head injury ,no h/0 loc  Later yesterday in the evening while talking to at