
Showing posts from July, 2021

Beyond the blog 2

  General medicine blended assignment Ch.janani  Roll no. 29 Question 1 I have chosen roll no. 28 laharisha. Her reviews are very good .she mostly did on pulmonology and some neurological cases.she had studied the case very well. In pulmonology case she hd understood about the causes of copd .specially she commented on vital features of the case. In cardiology case she had commented that the terms in theaaanswers arevery confusing. In neurology case it becomes easier for the diagnosis of the disease with all the symptoms and history taken by our seniors the evaluation of symptomatology is clearly described.the patient condition is summarized briefly history of present illness and past had been described  briefly and are easy to understand.she had commented on the history of the case  is very well presented with both general and systemic examination. The investigations are given according to the timeline. She had learnt how to take the history o

Beyond the blog

  Janani Roll no.29 Question 1 Case 1 pulmonology In the above case a 55yr old female diagnosed as problem at bronchioles. Due to exposure to dust or allergens. Some drugs have been used Bipap reduces transmural pressure,reduces venous return etc Agumentin inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis Hydrocortisone inhibits phospholipids A2 and other inflammatory factors. Symptom generalized weakness Comment:the above case had been presented with all necessities and investigations ,and xrays. Review Case 2 Neurology In this case the patient had diagnosed as wernicks encephalopathy Causes brain damage in lower parts of  thalamus and hypothalamus. This is due to chronic alcohol consumption causes impaired absorption of thiamine from intestine. Comment:the above case had been presented  with all investigations Review Case 3 C