
Showing posts from October, 2021

General medicine bimonthly assessment

Ch.Janani Roll no. 29 Question 1 Gastroenterology 1. COMPLETENESS:  •The case presented is correct with accurate data  CORRECTNESS  : •The history of the patient,symptoms and signs have been listed well. The  clinical images were provide  with the laboratory investigations. USEFUL LEADS TO ANALYZE THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC UNCERTAINTIES: All the investigations lead to the diagnosis of the case and better treatment of the patient. Hence, no diagnostic uncertainties were found. 2. COMPLETENESS :  •The case presented is correct with accurate data.  •The  case has  completeness in all factors The case begins with the chief complaint the history of presenting complaints in a chronological order, past history, personal history is written well the vitals have been explained. •Icterus -present, oedema- pre

Beyond the blog 5

  E-LOGS GENERAL MEDICINE Ch.Janani Roll no. 29     This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's consent. This also reflects patients centered care and online learning portfolio. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. Hope this will be informative! * This is an ongoing case. I am in the process of updating and editing this ELOG as and when required. CASE SCENARIO •A 70 year old male patient came to the casuality with pedal edema & vomiting. CHIEF COMPLAINTS: *c/o pedal edema since 1month  which is progressive pitting type bilateral associated with facial puffiness and vomiting. * Shortness of breath (-) * Oliguria (-) * Abdominal distension (-)   * No other complaints. HISTORY OF PRESENT  ILLNESS: * History of b/l pedal ed