Beyond the blog


Roll no.29

Question 1

Case 1 pulmonology

In the above case a 55yr old female diagnosed as problem at bronchioles.

Due to exposure to dust or allergens.

Some drugs have been used

Bipap reduces transmural pressure,reduces venous return etc

Agumentin inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis

Hydrocortisone inhibits phospholipids A2 and other inflammatory factors.

Symptom generalized weakness

Comment:the above case had been presented with all necessities and investigations ,and xrays.


Case 2


In this case the patient had diagnosed as wernicks encephalopathy

Causes brain damage in lower parts of  thalamus and hypothalamus.

This is due to chronic alcohol consumption causes impaired absorption of thiamine from intestine.

Comment:the above case had been presented  with all investigations


Case 3


In this case the patient diagnosed as diastolic heart failure.

The heart muscle contracts normally but the ventricles do not relax.

Risk factors are alcohol abuse,high blood pressure,smoking,diabetes.

Worsening of pericardial effusion leading to cardiac tamponade. 

Comment:the above case had studied carefully with important investigations.


Case 4


In this case the patient is suffering  from pancreatitis which is a cause of dystonia.

Fatty liver is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis. 

Treatment given is fluids and colloids,some analgesics ,laparotomy and debridement of hemorrhagic pancreatic tissue.


Comment:the above case is done with required investigations 

Case 5 


The reason for this case is metabolic acidosis which is commonly seen in kidney diseases.

Impaired ammonia excretion 

Reduced tubular bicarbonate absorption etc

Urethral stenosis is seen leads to back flow of urine to kidney leading to hydronephrosis which leads to papillary nephritis.

Comment:the above case is diagnosed with all investigations 


Case 6

Covid with ICU psychosis 

This case the patient tested positive sars cov 2.

Dry cough and shortness of breath symptoms are seen.

Admitted to oxygen supplementation 

No fever spikes are seen.

This patient is known case of hypertension ,cerebrovascular accident

And occasional alcohol intake.

Comment:the above case has studied with xrays and all investigations. 


Case 7


In this case the patient had diagnosed with liver abscess.

Locally made alcohol is the main cause of this disease.

Even this can lead to amoebic liver abscess due to contamination by entamoeba histolytica.

Streaming effect in portal circulation is causative

Comment:in this case ultrasound is done with required investigations. 



Question 2

Not yet done

Question 3



The above case is diagnosed with quadreparesis secondary to infectious 

Spondilities of c4 c5 c6 c7 and d1 with epidural abscess at c5-c6 level. 

Patient was asymptomatic since 1 month he developed productive cough,low grade fever .

He was tested positive for AFB bacillus and started ATT.

He also developed generalized weakness and myalgia.

Prevertebral collection also extended from c2-d3 level.

Comment :in this case clinical examination and all examinations had been done ,chest x ray had also been done with all investigations. 

Question 4

As the patient is student who came to OPD with compliants of low backache 1 week ago and fever since 5 days yellowish discolouration of eyes since 3 days along with vomitings diarrhea and blood tinged urine untill yesterday morning.history of presenting ilness with loss of weight and polyuruia in last 2 days he got fever which eventually got subsuded on medications , no history of diabetes, asthama, TB, epilepsya and no relavent family history increased in body temp, icterus - present, normal systemcrxamination with excetion of tenderness in epigastrium and hypochondrium-the probable diagnosis for these symptomscan be viral hepatitis with diabetes mellitus type 1.

Question 5

Logbooks are commonly used in medical education in order to structure clinical knowledge .learning objectives may be defined as compulsory,core or optional,thus offering different ways for students to document what they have experienced. 

Students can record their professional ,clinical experience based on the objectives in the logbooks ,which facilitate and monitor students learning.

Logbook can assist in reaching educational and clinical goals and also it can provide feedback to students and teachers. 

A salient feature of e log is the opportunity to provide formative feedback.importance of timely and positive feedback can never be underestimated. It helps to bridge gap between current and desired understanding. 

It is an important tool,which not only guides but also monitors the progress of a trainee through a training program. Majority of students believed that it had strong impact on clinical skills.E-log system is regarded as useful exercise for their learning as it not only increases motivation but also interaction with supervisors .The overall acceptance of this system by students is very high. 


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